AC Milan’s Legend Praises to Alisson and Ederson

Alisson dan Ederson –  Dida, the former Brazilian national team goalkeeper and legend of AC Milan, gave praise to the two latest Brazilian national team goalkeepers, Alisson and Ederson. According to him, both goalkeepers with the world’s top quality.

Both Ederson and Alisson defended two teams who were topping the Premier League standings. Ederson defended Manchester City, while Alisson strengthened Liverpool.

The two goalkeepers succeeded in making each team conceded the fewest in the Premier League. Manchester City conceded 20 goals, while Liverpool conceded five fewer goals.

Inevitably the ability of Ederson and Alisson made both of them considered the world’s best goalkeepers at this time. Interestingly, the two goalkeepers were both from Brazil.

Dida also praised Ederson and Alisson. The former AC Milan goalkeeper judged both of them to prove the quality of the Brazilian goalkeeper has improved.

“The quality of the Brazilian goalkeeper has increased. Two names (Ederson and Alisson) have confirmed this. Both are modern goalkeepers who can control the ball with their feet,” said Dida.

“At present, Brazilian goalkeepers can compete in the international arena. However, they are not just great goalkeepers in the world today.”

“Many high-level goalkeepers at this time. For example, the AC Milan goalkeeper from Italy, Gianluigi Donnarumma. He is also a great goalkeeper,” Dida added.

At present, Manchester City and Liverpool are only one point in the Premier League standings. Ederson’s abilities and Alisson can be the winner of the competition.