Gary Neville: Player Salary Cuts Must Be Followed by a Transfer Embargo –  Manchester United legend, Gary Neville, said the Premier League should force clubs who want to cut player salaries during the Corona Virus crisis to accept a transfer embargo.

Top English clubs have asked players to receive up to 30 percent of their salary and suspension of payments to help ease the burden of an estimated £ 1 billion if the season does not continue.

A number of clubs, including Tottenham, have also received strong criticism for using public money to support the wages of staff who do not play before cutting player salaries.

While Liverpool quickly withdrew their decision to use the British government’s leave scheme, which guarantees 80 percent of wages to a maximum of 2,500 pounds a month.

“The Premier League spent 1.4 billion pounds last summer on transfers. They also spent more than 1 billion pounds in the three previous summer. If they tried to get a 30 percent discount on players, they might have to put a transfer embargo,” Neville told Sky Sports.

“Transfers are what fans support. But to me it seems to be a problem when there is a war behind the scenes in connection with players. They say, clubs need support. Then in the next breath you are rumored to be purchasing players worth 200 million pounds, “Neville explained.