Jurgen Klopp will give plenty of play opportunities for Naby Keita

DBasia.news –  Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool manager, will implement a rotation policy in his squad. Including playing Naby Keita.

Naby Keita has struggled to find a place in the Liverpool first team since arriving in the summer of 2018. That’s because the Guinea player suffered a lot of injuries.

However, Naby Keita showed an impressive game when Liverpool were held 1-1 by Manchester United. Only appearing for 10 minutes, Keita showed a great performance.

Throughout his appearance, Naby Keita controlled the midfield. This makes Keita turn on the Liverpool midfielder who looked dead in the first round.

The result, Jurgen Klopp indicated he would play Naby Keita when Liverpool visited Genk headquarters. In addition, some players will be rested.

“There is no problem, the Liverpool players are not exhausted at all. However, we have to change positions and see what happens,” Jurgen Klopp said.

“This decision is not just to change players, but to prepare for the next match. Naby Keita has been following Liverpool’s two weeks training session.”

“Naby Keita performed well against Manchester United. During training, I saw what he could do. In my opinion, it did not take long for him to get a chance,” continued Jurgen Klopp.