Thursday, 13 August 2020
Allowing spectators to come to the stadium, the Bundesliga’s decision is considered to have brought disaster
By db-admin – Markus Soder, one of Germany’s most influential politicians, thinks allowing spectators to re-enter the stadium when the Bundesliga starts in September would only be a “disaster” for the public.
“It will send a catastrophic signal to the public with regard to medical capacity,” said Soder, who is also the Prime Minister of Bavaria in a press conference, as quoted by ESPN, Monday.
“I support the Bundesliga starting behind closed doors. But I am very skeptical if the stadium can be filled with fans. I can’t imagine that, “he added.
Soder is just one of many politicians who have voiced theirconcern over plans for the Bundesliga to allow fans to enter the stadium again.
The Berlin Minister of Health, Dilek Kalayci, also shared a similar sentiment.
“Professional football is not one of our priorities,” said Kalayci.
Clubs in the top two divisions of the German League previously agreed to allow the match to be watched live by spectators at the stadium next season.
The German League Operators (DFL) and their clubs have agreed on four things, including a ban on the attendance of visiting supporters, a ban on drinking alcohol, and a ban on filling the stands.
Even so, DFL CEO, Christian Seifert said that later decisions would remain the authority of politicians and policy makers, including health ministers from 16 states in Germany.
Next season’s Bundesliga will kick off on September 18,
The German government is currently still banning activities that have the potential to create a big crowd at least until the end of October.