Saturday, 5 January 2019
Leaving Persela Lamongan, Saddil Ramdani Joins Malaysian Club
By news-admin

Saddil Ramdani – The 20-year-old striker of Persela Lamongan Saddil Ramdani has stated the farewell. He said that in his Instagram account, @saddilramdani.
“Assalamualaikum, my beloved Lamongan people, management of Persela, team official, and my teammates. I have been here for two years four months,” Saddil wrote.
“I want to thank everyone for what you’ve done, the chance for me to grow and become a professional player in Persela. Without you all, I’m nothing.”
“I want to say goodbye for everyone. Let’s support each other and pray for our success, thank you,” Saddil continued.
Persela confirmed the issue. By the CEO Yuhronur Effendi, Saddil is leaving to Malaysia.
Asked whether it’s Pahang FA, Yuhronur didn’t deny. “Yes, it seems like Pahang FA,” Yuhronur told, Friday (4/1).
Last season, Saddil seldom plays for Persela. He often played for U19 and U22 Indonesia national teams. Saddil just played 16 times with Laskar Joko Tingkir.