Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Won at Bologna Headquarters, AC Milan Supporters Experience Bad Events

By db-admin –  AC Milan had just won 3-2 when competing at Bologna headquarters. But the fun did not last long, after the match took place an AC Milan supporter was stabbed in the sporter’s stands.

As quoted from Sky Sport Italia, the incident took place outside the Renato Del’Ara stadium. Previously there was a fight between fans when they were about to leave the stadium after the match.  

A supporter reported as Milanisti had to be rushed to the Maggiore Hospital in Bologna because of a stab wound in the stomach. His condition was quite serious.

However, a recent report from RAI Sport says that the supporters have gone through a critical period. However, he is still in the intensive care team of doctors. 

The quarrel began when Milan players came to the supporters in the stands and threw their jersey at the fans. Some fans look at odds to win the jersey of his favorite players.

This small dispute then spread until finally, a supporter pulled a sharp weapon from his pocket. This allegation is getting stronger because throughout the match there was no allusion to mean between the two supporters in the stands.

Until now Bologna police are still investigating this case. No suspects have been identified as perpetrators.

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