Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Lisandro Martinez is Officialy at Manchester United

By db-admin

DBasia.news – The Red Devils finally announced the presence of Lisandro Martinez and he became the third signing of Erik ten Hag’s tenure.

Manchester United were criticized after not bringing in new players at the beginning of the transfer market. In fact, with the appearance of last season and a new coach, the Red Devils are believed to need some additional ammunition.

However, this assumption is starting to erode as the Red Devils are actively engaged in the transfer market by attracting targeted players. Tryell Malacia and Christian Eriksen are the two leading names.

This time, it was the central defender’s turn to obtain additional power. Lisandro Martinez joined from Ajax Amsterdam on a contract for the next five seasons.

“Manchester United is pleased to announce that the club has reached an agreement with Ajax for the transfer of Argentine international defender Lisandro Martinez. Medical conditions, player terms and England visa conditions are being finalized,” Man United wrote on their official website.

Martinez was chosen for a reason. The 24-year-old player was a direct request from Erik ten Hag. The coach believes his former team member is the right person to patch the hole in Man United’s defense.

Fabrizio Romano reported, Martinez came with a tag of 57 million euros. In addition, Ajax’s coffers can increase because there is a bonus clause that reaches 10 million euros.

Manchester United will nit stop at Martinez. The Red Devils still have a number of players on the target list.

The news most often heard is the desire of Man United to bring Frenkie de Jong from Barcelona. The Red Devils managed to reach an agreement with Barca about the price of the midfielder. De Jong’s transfer is worth 75 million euros plus a bonus of 10 million euros.

However, negotiations cannot be concluded immediately. Manchester United have struggled to reach a personal agreement with the Dutchman as De Jong has no intention of leaving Barcelona.

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