Italian League
19 April 2020
Discourse Appeared About Serie A Players to Practice Beginning in May
Italian League
16 April 2020
Italian Health Authority Expects Serie A to be Terminated
10 April 2020
Lionel Messi is considered to be unable to benefit Serie A
8 April 2020
Withdrawal of Salary Cuts has made Serie A clubs Face War
8 April 2020
Latest news on Sebastien Frey, the French player who most oftenly appeares in Serie A
5 April 2020
Juventus refuses the Serie A trophy if the competition is canceled
Italian League
30 March 2020
FIGC Ensured Serie A Will Still Have Champion
Italian League
29 March 2020
Corona Impact Plague, Serie A Threatened to be Canceled
Italian League
22 March 2020
Match Postponed, Serie A is Expected to Restart in May